FAME 2017

F.A.M.E. [ Fascinating Art Music Entertainment ] is a talent show mostly about art & music presented by Bina Bakti 2 MATIUS Program. Everyone that are part of MATIUS are participating in this event including elementary students, high school students, alumnis and teachers.

We are having GAC [ Gamaliel, Audrey, Cantika ] as our guest star.
GAC is a group of singer consists of 3 vocalist that collaborates in producing a fascinating harmony.

We also have performances such as Choir, Solo Instruments, Orchestra, and there are more unique performances that would make you impressed!

SMPK 2 SMAK 2 Bina Bakti Program MATIUS
Jl. Industri Dalam No. 12A, Bandung
022 – 601 8868